low maintenance friend | high maintenance wife | poster child for ENFJs | black coffee drinker | wanna-be yogini | aspiring blogger | simple-life seeker | tripping + stumbling follower of Jesus |oil enthusiast + educator
lucky wife of a tall dark + handsome man | proud mama of the pick of the litter | former barista extraordinaire | future room mother | impulsive decision maker | competitive bargain shopper | detailed direction giver
emotionally involved audience member | bedtime mental to-do list maker | beach-bum aspirant | master of the banana muffin | loather of beans and meat sauce | lover of stinky cheeses | over-sharer
avid watcher of cooking shows + masterpiece theater | serious buy-returner | semi-confident bathing suit wearer | bruno mars spotify listener | truth + justice podcast follower | IPA convert
frequent singer of kiddie songs | occasional dashboard drummer | life-long hokies fan | reformed road racer | tolerator of kid crafts | satisfied subscriber of curbside grocery pick-up | committed no-poo-er
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