1. Company Holiday Parties. Especially when you get to attend your spouse's.
2. Christmas shopping for kids! Not a ton of children in my family, but there are quite a few in Matt's, and I had such a great time shopping for them all.
3. White elephant gift exchanges. Who would have expected a pirate pinata to change hands five times? One guy, due to an exchange that he did not have control over, ended up with the tacky Christmas sweater he was responsible for bringing. The person that brought 36 rolls of toilet paper ended up with a game of toilet golf, and the person that brought the toilet golf ended up with the toilet paper! I ended up with one of three snuggies, I'm happy enough with that.
4. A pastor that quotes Brian Regan, references Glee, sites youtube videos (a double rainbow, what does it meeeean?!) and says, "some of you need to repent of your white-ness." Love the way some of his statements sound out of context. :p
5. The sound of our new wind chimes from the Bahamas, made from coconut. Makes the howl of the winter wind sound light and friendly.
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