
July 19, 2009

Cheese Tortelini with Cherry Tomatoes and Chicken

Matt and I generally make extra chicken to save for meals later in the week whenever we cook. Sometimes we grill them and sometimes we just throw frozen breasts in a 350 oven for 45 minutes. This is not my favorite way to cook them, because they don't come out very pretty. In Matt's defense however, (since this is his method) the chicken comes out VERY juicy and is perfect for cutting into cubes and saving for a pasta dish later in the week.

So. Prepare the cheese tortelini as directed on the package. I like to strain them and brown them up (just a little) in olive oil in a skillet on medium. If your chicken is leftover from earlier in the week, go ahead and toss it in with the tortelini to heat it up. If you do not have pre-cooked chicken, cook the chicken as your first step, then set aside while you brown the torts. I don't use any sauce for this dish (although Matt likes to heat up some Prego and spoon over his) so make sure you are a bit liberal with the olive oil at the end or the dish will be too dry. Toss in cherry tomatoes that have been halved and removed from the heat. I like for them to be warm but not cooked, because I like for them to maintain that wonderful pop when I bite into them. If you have it and feel like it, you can garnish the dish with fresh parsley (just because the green is pretty) or parmesan.

Garlic Bread Sticks
From the frozen section of your favorite grocery store

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